Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New business card

I finally ran out of my mini Moo Cards, everyone really liked them. Since I needed new cards, Loveswell opens soon, I made this design yesterday. I am designing the set of Loveswell and will have artwork up in the cafe attached to the theater.
The artwork on my business card comes from the pieces I sent to Anglet, France that I still have not discussed on my blog yet, but are posted on my website. I also decided to stick with one design versus the 100 images you can provdie Moo Cards, to have a standard sized card and have them made close to home by Santora Media Group. I cannot wait to see the physical cards. I also kept the information provided simple. I think listing my website and my email address is redundant, especially since my email states my web address. I also left out my phone number, I value my privacy and prefer writing it on the card when someone needs it.

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